[ossec-list] Re: Monitoring Sonicwall Firewalls with OSSEC
Jeff Marugg
2018-11-05 16:32:05 UTC
I had troubles with the default decoder and rule-set. I was able to work
through the issue. I will forward on my decoder and rule-set in hope of
saving time for others.
Log Example:

2018 Nov 02 11:17:22 id=firewall sn=0123456789 time="2018-11-02
10:17:22" fw= pri=6 c=16 m=32 msg="User login denied due to
bad credentials" sess=Web n=3 usr="administrator" src=
dst= proto=tcp/https


decoder name="sonicwall">
<prematch>^id=\w+ sn=\w+ time=\S+ \S+ fw=\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+ pri=\d c=\d+


<group name="syslog,sonicwall,">
<rule id="4812" level="9">
<description>SonicWall: Firewall user authentication


Hope this helps.
Does anyone have any rules they have, and are willing to share in
terms of monitoring SonicWall Pro series firewalls?
Thank you.
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